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Tech 3 Air Units
Spy PlaneUEA0302 build btnURA0302 build btnUAA0302 build btnXSA0302 build btn
Air-Superiority FighterUEA0303 build btnURA0303 build btnUAA0303 build btnXSA0303 build btn
Strategic BomberUEA0304 build btnURA0304 build btnUAA0304 build btnXSA0304 build btn
GunshipUEA0305 build btnXRA0305 build btnXAA0305 build btnNo-unit
OtherXEA0306 build btnNo-unitXAA0306 build btnNo-unit
Tech 1 AttackUEA0103 build btnURA0103 build btnUAA0103 build btnXSA0103 build btn
Tech 2 Fighter/BomberDEA0202 build btnDRA0202 build btnNo-unitXSA0202 build btn
Tech 2 TorpedoUEA0204 build btnURA0204 build btnUAA0204 build btnXSA0204 build btn
Tech 3 StrategicUEA0304 build btnURA0304 build btnUAA0304 build btnXSA0304 build btn
OtherNo-unitNo-unitXAA0306 build btnXSA0402 build btn
UEF T3 Strategic Bomber: Ambassador UEF T3 Strategic Bomber:  Ambassador
UEF T3 Strategic Bomber: Ambassador
High-end strategic bomber. Armed with a small yield nuclear bomb and light AA gun.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -70000
Mass icon -2100
Time icon 8400
Max healthHealth icon 4000
18 (Air)
Fuel icon25:00
Veterancy UEF veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 32
Radar: 65
Bomb - Bomb
Damage per second 600
Bomb damage 3000
Damage radius 6
Reload time 5 seconds
Range 90
Weapon: Linked Railgun x 2
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 24
Projectile damage 16
Rate of fire 1.5 Projectiles/s
Range 44
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 500
Damage radius 1

The UEF T3 Strategic Bomber, nicknamed the Ambassador, is a UEF unit.

Factional Differences[]

The Ambassador is a heavily armored, high yield bomber capable of dropping powerful bombs ideally suited Experimental Units and executing surgical strikes on enemy structures. It has little need for anti-air escorts thanks to its tail-mounted Railgun handling small groups of T1 Interceptors.

Unlike the Cybran T3 Strategic Bomber, the Ambassador does not rely on stealth nor cloaking, and lacks the countermeasures against anti-air missiles of the Aeon T3 Strategic Bomber. It instead depends on its armour to help it weather counterattack on its way to the target.

Common use and Effectiveness[]

The Ambassador compliments its small yield nuclear bomb with a single Railgun for light anti-air support and defense.
Ambassador Vanilla SupCom description

The Ambassador's sudden firepower and protection can prove to be overwhelming to novice or unprepared players with its heavy firepower, whilst countering T1 and T2 fighters with its defenses. Even if your enemy has a few AA grids setup, a squadron of Ambassadors can sweep over, tank the damage, and knock out a vital power grid; Potentially shutting down shield generators and unit production, allowing the bombers to go for a second run on exposed infrastructure or high value targets such as the ACU, T3 Strategic Missile Launchers/Defenses and Experimentals.

This further enhances the UEFs play towards early game 'shock and awe' tactics with high attack and defense.

With its strong AA capabilities and toughness, Ambassadors can handle most air defense fighters; While this is not a problem with T1 Interceptors, they may struggle with T2 Fighters. Regardless, they can act as an air defense fighter in a pinch before you can establish a stronger anti-air presence.

However, Ambassadors are not to be overestimated. As powerful as they are, they can be overwhelmed by Anti Air if they linger in enemy territory for too long.

T1 fighters can be cheaply amassed and thus can be sent to overpower the Ambassador in numbers. Though their greatest threat is T3 Air Superiority Fighters and T3 SAM Sites, whose alpha can easily knock out bomber wings when spotted.


The UEF Ambassador
