Supreme Commander Wiki
Tactical missile defenses
Tech 2 Tactical Missile DefenseUEB4201 build btnURB4201 build btnUAB4201 build btnXSB4201 build btn
Tech 2 CruiserUES0202 build btnURS0202 build btnUAS0202 build btnXSS0202 build btn
Tech 3 BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Tech 3 Navy (Other)XES0307 build btnURS0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Siege Assault BotNo-unitURL0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
UEF T2 Tactical Missile Defense: Buzzkill UEF T2 Tactical Missile Defense:  Buzzkill
UEF T2 Tactical Missile Defense: Buzzkill
Tactical missile defense. Protection is limited to the structure's operational area.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -3200
Mass icon -280
Time icon 400
Max healthHealth icon 1000
Intel (radius) Vision: 20
Defense - Anti Missile
Damage per second 1
Anti Missile damage 1
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 30

The UEF T2 Tactical Missile Defense, nicknamed the Buzzkill, is a UEF unit. This is a tactical missile defense unit.

all TMDS have the same range. However, it has lower accuracy, but a much faster rate of fire. It is directly inspired from modern Navy short-ranged missile defense systems, the Phalanx CIWS in particular, which is currently installed on up-to-date naval vessels.

Although the Buzzkill is quite capable of handling 3 or 4 missiles simultaneously from a single side, it can still be ineffective by itself as a single defender because of the turret's moderate turning speed. Upon a successful defense, the Buzzkill will reacquire the next closest target, sometimes attempting to destroy a missile that is currently indestructible (due to its close range) while wasting shots and losing time turning to reacquire additional incoming missiles. This is especially true if it is attempting to destroy Cybran tactical missiles, as they split into multiple additional missiles when intercepted.

An enemy that surrounds the Buzzkill with tactical missiles from many directions will quickly overwhelm it. Thus, a UEF commander would be wise to stagger several Buzzkill defense platforms in a triangular building pattern (echelon formation) in order to offer overlapping and complete protection. The Buzzkill is the worst Tactical Missile Defense in Supreme Commander and the second worst in Forged Alliance.


UEF Buzzkill
