Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 2 Land Units
Heavy BotDEL0204 build btnDRL0204 build btnNo-unitXSL0202 build btn
Heavy TankUEL0202 build btnURL0202 build btnUAL0202 build btnNo-unit
Amphibious TankUEL0203 build btnURL0203 build btnXAL0203 build btnXSL0203 build btn
Mobile AA Flak ArtilleryUEL0205 build btnURL0205 build btnUAL0205 build btnXSL0205 build btn
Mobile Missile LauncherUEL0111 build btnURL0111 build btnUAL0111 build btnXSL0111 build btn
Mobile DefenseUEL0307 build btnURL0306 build btnUAL0307 build btnNo-unit
OtherXEL0209 build btnXRL0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 1 Scout BotNo-unitURL0101 build btnNo-unitXSL0101 build btn
Tech 1 Light Assault BotUEL0106 build btnURL0106 build btnUAL0106 build btnNo-unit
Tech 1 Assault BotNo-unitURL0107 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 BotDEL0204 build btnDRL0204 build btnNo-unitXSL0202 build btn
Tech 2 Mobile BombNo-unitXRL0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Heavy / Siege Assault BotUEL0303 build btnURL0303 build btnUAL0303 build btnNo-unit
Tech 3 Armored Assault BotXEL0305 build btnXRL0305 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Sniper BotNo-unitNo-unitXAL0305 build btnXSL0305 build btn
ExperimentalNo-unitURL0402 build btnUAL0401 build btnXSL0401 build btn
ExperimentalNo-unitXRL0403 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
UEF T2 Gatling Bot: Mongoose UEF T2 Gatling Bot:  Mongoose
UEF T2 Gatling Bot: Mongoose
Fast moving, heavily armed assault bot. Armed with both a gatling plasma cannon and a heavy fragmentation grenade launcher.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -1000
Mass icon -200
Time icon 1000
Max healthHealth icon 900
Speed3.6 (Land)
Veterancy UEF veteran icon Kills icon 6  (Health icon+2/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 26
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 32
Projectile damage 15
Salvo size 15 Projectiles (in 2.8 s)
Reload time 7.1 seconds
Range 34
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 26
Projectile damage 65
Damage radius 2
Salvo size 4 Projectiles (in 0.6 s)
Reload time 10 seconds
Range 34

The UEF T2 Gatling Assault Bot, nicknamed the Mongoose, is a direct fire unit armed with long range high damage weaponry. The Mongoose was added to original Supreme Commander through a patch around the time of Forged Alliance. One of two alternative options of UEF direct fire units at T2, its range is greater than the Pillar, while the tank is more heavily armored.


For armament it sports both of a burst fire Gatling Plasma Cannon as well as an area-effect Heavy Fragmentation Grenade Launcher, so it can bring serious firepower to bear on a target such as an ACU or Ilshavoh. However, the Mongoose is not the best weapon against groups of T1 units. When fighting them it is recommendable to combine the Mongoose with other units, such as Lobos or Pillar tanks, or swapping to Pillars entirely. This is because even with the area damage of the grenades, it is difficult to split targets. If they concentrate on a single T1 unit, the Gatling Cannon will Overkill it almost instantly and be unable to fire again until cooled down. Multiple Lobos or fast firing Pillars resolve this weakness by splitting damage up more evenly.

There are only a few T2 units with longer range, such as Tactical Missile Launchers and Cybran Hoplites. Because of the health/speed advantage, this fast raider will easily take down either of the above. Be warned however that engaging at maximum range will cost you more Mongooses than the enemy would lose Hoplites, it is only with the Fragmentation Grenade Launcher also contributing that the Mongoose can defeat the Hoplite one-on-one. With careful (and time-consuming) micromanagement, this unit can take down Ilshavohs without taking damage, and at a much lower cost. However, the Mongoose has equal sight range to Ilshavoh weapon range, so if the Seraphim has radar and you don't, you will not be able to pull this off.

If your enemy reaches Tech 3 before you do, the Mongoose in combination with radar support will be critical to your survival, as it outranges Siege Assault Bots (and almost matches the range of Armoured Assault Bots). Its range and high DPS, is crucial for holding the line long enough to reach Tier 3 and deploy Ravagers. Alternatively the Mongoose can be used for Point Defense when placed behind a wall, similar to the Aeon's Obsidian. It has good range for a Tech 2 unit, and can somewhat act as a "Tech 2 Ravager". Another strategy is to use like a high DPS mobile T1 point defense, with the Mongoose units at the back of the team to sweep out any stronger enemy forces.

Another very useful thing to know about the Mongoose, is that it is ideal for chasing down perhaps injured or fleeing units due to it's extremly potent and accurate machine gun, and ever so powerful fragmentation launcher which ballistically predicts enemy movement. This means that if the enemy unit is in a straight line your Mongooses will not miss, however the grenade launcher is designed for dealing with groups of units and thus will shine brighter on those terms. This unit is especially good at dealing with fleeing, slow moving units such as ACUs or a Galactic Colossus with it's back turned, as it will not be able to fight back and your mongooses will never miss, unless the enemy player is micromanaging. A pack of 10-15 Mongeese can do tremendous amounts of damage, much like the Seraphim/Aeon Sniper Bots, and despite their frailty are worthy of the UEF commander's attention.


One thing that should be noted is that it is a fairly good unit to rush with, if you are that type of player. The reason it is a good rushing unit it can deal a lot of damage to a single target very quickly. A possible first-strike group might look as follows, deployed as soon as the third Mongoose is built:

  • 1 Scout
  • 4 T1 Tanks
  • 3 Mongoose
  • 5 T1 Artillery
  • 2 T1 Anti Air

A more typical mid-T2 composition/production ratio might look like this, with Mongooses forming a plurality of the T2 units in the composition, supplemented by T1 arty for area-effect support. The support units allow flexibility and can hold a position while the Mongeese are free to pursue the target or focus fire. 1-2 Flapjack MML can be added to each production cycle to deal with T2 PD as necessary.

  • 3 Mongoose
  • 1 Pillar
  • 1/2 Flak (build every other cycle)
  • 5 T1 Artillery

Alternatively, upon reaching reaching T3 and having a surplus of T2 factories, Mongoose can be produced as ranged damage dealers. If the number of T1 units is sufficiently low then their grenades may make them an adequate replacement for the T1 Lobo, especially with the Mongoose's longer range. Changing from Lobos to Mongooses will also help reduce the amount of Veterancy awarded to enemy units.

Overall, using this unit with supporting compositions will free it to pursue priority targets and bring out its power.

Factional comparison[]

The Mongoose is most comparable to the Cybran Hoplite in terms of role as medium-range supporting damage.



The UEF Mongoose
