Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 1 Land Units
Land ScoutUEL0101 build btnURL0101 build btnUAL0101 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Light Assault BotUEL0106 build btnURL0106 build btnUAL0106 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Light/Medium Tank UEL0201 build btnURL0107 build btnUAL0201 build btnXSL0201 build btn
Mobile Anti-Air GunUEL0104 build btnURL0104 build btnUAL0104 build btnXSL0104 build btn
Mobile Light ArtilleryUEL0103 build btnURL0103 build btnUAL0103 build btnXSL0103 build btn
EngineerUEL0105 build btnURL0105 build btnUAL0105 build btnXSL0105 build btn
Mobile Intelligence Units
Tech 1 Land ScoutUEL0101 build btnURL0101 build btnUAL0101 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Tech 1 Air ScoutUEA0101 build btnURA0101 build btnUAA0101 build btnXSA0101 build btn
Tech 3 Spy PlaneUEA0302 build btnURA0302 build btnUAA0302 build btnXSA0302 build btn
UEF T1 Land Scout: Snoop UEF T1 Land Scout:  Snoop
UEF T1 Land Scout: Snoop
Fast, lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle. Armed with a machine gun and a state-of-the-art sensor suite.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -80
Mass icon -12
Time icon 80
Max healthHealth icon 29
Speed4.5 (Land)
Veterancy UEF veteran icon Kills icon 2  (Health icon+1/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 24
Radar: 45
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 1
Projectile damage 2
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 25

The UEF T1 Land Scout, nicknamed the Snoop, is a UEF unit. This is an intelligence unit.

The Snoop is a very light and very fast unit. It has low HP, and is armed only with a Tom Cat Machinegun for attacking ground targets. The machinegun is so weak that it is recommended that you only use it against other T1 scouts or T1 units that don't shoot back, like radar emplacements. It is equipped with sensors that give it a long Line of Sight radius as well as Radar.

The Snoop is a Scout. It has the most HP of the land scouts and has radar that enables it to detect and destroy Cybran Moles. It can also beat the Aeon Spirit in direct combat. It cannot, however, cross water like the Spirit. The Snoop is the toughest unit in its class (by just 6 hp), but also the most expensive.

The Snoop is an essential part of T1 land armies, allowing long-ranged units, particularly T1 Artillery and the Aeon Aurora to utilize their full range. It is often used as a replacement for a T1 radar emplacement due to a similar range, low cost, and zero energy consumption.

Vanilla SupCom Description[]

"The UEF Scout is a fast, lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle which sports a machine gun and a state-of-the-art sensore suite"

