Supreme Commander Wiki
Experimental Units
Direct FireUEL0401 build btnURL0402 build btnUAL0401 build btnXSL0401 build btn
NavalUES0401 build btnXRL0403 build btnUAS0401 build btnNo-unit
AirXEA0002 build btnURA0401 build btnUAA0310 build btnXSA0402 build btn
Indirect FireUEB2401 build btnURL0401 build btnNo-unitXSB2401 build btn
OtherXEB2402 build btnNo-unitXAB1401 build btnXSL0402 build btn
Attack SubmarineUES0203 build btnURS0203 build btnUAS0203 build btnXSS0203 build btn
T2/T3 Submarine HunterXES0102 build btnXRS0204 build btnXAS0204 build btnXSS0304 build btn
DestroyerNo-unitNo-unitNo-unitXSS0201 build btn
Strategic Missile SubmarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
Experimental SubmarineUES0401 build btnNo-unitUAS0401 build btnNo-unit
Aircraft carriers
Tech 3 Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
Experimental Aircraft CarrierUES0401 build btnNo-unitUAA0310 build btnNo-unit
UEF Experimental Aircraft Carrier: Atlantis UEF Experimental Aircraft Carrier:  Atlantis
UEF Experimental Aircraft Carrier: Atlantis
Submersible aircraft carrier. Can store, transport and repair aircraft. Armed with torpedo launchers and AA weapons.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -150000
Mass icon -12000
Time icon 9000
Build rate
Time icon240/s
Max healthHealth icon 40000
Speed2.5 (SurfacingSub)
Veterancy UEF veteran icon Kills icon 30  (Health icon+10/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 100
Water vision: 100
Radar: 250
Sonar: 252
Anti Navy - Torpedo
Damage per second 400
Torpedo damage 200
Salvo size 4 Torpedos
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 80
Weapon: Flayer SAM Launcher x 4
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 140
Projectile damage 280
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 60

The UEF Experimental Aircraft Carrier, nicknamed the Atlantis, is an UEF experimental unit which is an underwater carrier, with torpedoes, air staging functions and build capability. It is the cheapest experimental unit in the game. In the Forged Alliance campaign, it requires less resources and time to build than a T3 Battleship of any faction.


The Atlantis is both a submarine and an aircraft carrier. It has a very large carrying capacity of 150 planes or gunships, a strong Flayer SAM Launcher array, and a powerful set of Angler Torpedo launchers. These factors combined make the Atlantis an extremely powerful and versatile naval unit, capable of single-handedly taking out entire fleets of enemy ships and submarines, as well as being able to surface temporarily to destroy any aircraft which may be a threat, before re-submerging into safety. It can also construct any UEF aircraft other than transports when stationary with exceptional speed. It can construct a T3 gunship in 30 seconds. Be warned, the Atlantis uses proportionally more mass and energy building; four times as much as the standard T3 air factory.

When submerged, strategic missiles, depth charges, tactical missiles (if the water is shallow enough) and torpedoes are the only way to damage the Atlantis. While surfaced, the Atlantis can still fire its torpedoes, and can attack enemy aircraft with its SAM AA launcher. However it becomes vulnerable to surface attacks by enemy ships, bombers, and other land-based units.

With 40000 HP, the Atlantis is big trouble to enemy naval forces. The torpedoes of the Atlantis can easily sink a Tempest, provided that the Atlantis is submerged. The Atlantis can act as a super air factory, or an offensive submarine unit, or both if it builds 150 torpedo bombers and aggressively deploys them. A UEF commander that builds the first Atlantis in the game can easily gain naval supremacy.

There are only two effective ways to counter the submerged Atlantis. The first, cheaper strategy is to build up a large defensive net made up of T2 torpedo launchers (however this could delay the assault at best since the Atlantis has longer range than the launchers in FA).The second alternative method is to attack the carrier using T2/T3 Torpedo Bombers. At this point the carrier can either continue to soak up the damage and eventually hit the bottom of the ocean, or it can surface to fire the SAM AA launchers to kill the bombers. The Atlantis is most vulnerable when surfaced, so if your torpedo bombers succeed in surfacing the Atlantis, its best to strike it with all you've got.

The Atlantis is the most powerful single naval unit in the game. However having one in the water does not guarantee naval supremacy. Other than another Atlantis, the Seraphim T3 Submarine Hunters-Yathsou are the most effective naval units to combat the Atlantis. The Atlantis can still effectively combat them, provided you keep them in your firing range.

A good strategy is to surface the Atlantis and have it deploy all its aircraft, using its powerful SAM AA to protect itself from enemy aircraft. After all aircaft deploy, submerge the Atlantis to safety.

Also, a useful tip for Atlantis is to have it construct a number of Storks, in case of any superior naval attack force.


  • The Atlantis does not come with HP regeneration, and combined with the lack of anti-torpedo system means that it will lack adequete protection from enemy subs. However, its own torpedo systems have a range of 80, it outranges all kinds of torpedo launchers as well as all submarines, even the T3 Yathsou (but not the Cybran T3 torpedoes or the Tempest.
    • Combined with the on-board radar and sonar makes first strikes garaunteed on any battle, almost like an underwater sniper. However, its greatest weakness is the T3 HARMS from Cybran, since it has the same range and DPS.
  • Always attempt to destroy as much as possible with the Atlantis, surface if needed, as veterancy will be very important; Giving to the HP regeneration greatly increasing survival chances.
  • A Czar is a deadly unit against the Atlantis, since it'll need to submerge from the Quantum Beam and yet avoid the Depth Charges that come thereafter.
  • There is a useful bug in the Atlantis. If you launch all aircraft inside and quickly submerge the Atlantis, they will eject mid-emerge.
  • The Atlantis works quite well with the UEF T3 Battleship. The Battleship bombards enemy ships and ground targets with its powerful cannons while the Carrier handles submarines with its torpedoes and aircraft with its missiles.


  • During the E3 Trailer, the Atlantis was shown with visible Flayer SAM Launchers, similar to those on the UEF T3 Heavy Air Transport but this was apparently removed from the full release.

