Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 3 Air Units
Spy PlaneUEA0302 build btnURA0302 build btnUAA0302 build btnXSA0302 build btn
Air-Superiority FighterUEA0303 build btnURA0303 build btnUAA0303 build btnXSA0303 build btn
Strategic BomberUEA0304 build btnURA0304 build btnUAA0304 build btnXSA0304 build btn
GunshipUEA0305 build btnXRA0305 build btnXAA0305 build btnNo-unit
OtherXEA0306 build btnNo-unitXAA0306 build btnNo-unit
Tech 1 Light GunshipNo-unitXRA0105 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 GunshipUEA0203 build btnURA0203 build btnUAA0203 build btnXSA0203 build btn
Tech 3 Heavy/AA GunshipUEA0305 build btnXRA0305 build btnXAA0305 build btnNo-unit
ExperimentalNo-unitURA0401 build btnNo-unitNo-unit

UEF T3 Heavy Gunship: Broadsword UEF T3 Heavy Gunship:  Broadsword
UEF T3 Heavy Gunship: Broadsword
Heavy gunship. Armed with two tactical rocket launchers and an AA railgun.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -35000
Mass icon -1680
Time icon 8400
Max healthHealth icon 6000
8 (Air)
Fuel icon13:20
Veterancy UEF veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 32
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 300
Projectile damage 100
Rate of fire 3 Projectiles/s
Range 25
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 3
Projectile damage 2
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Reload time 1.3 seconds
Range 44
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 300
Damage radius 1

Cybran T3 Heavy Gunship: Wailer Cybran T3 Heavy Gunship:  Wailer
Cybran T3 Heavy Gunship: Wailer
Heavy gunship armed with Nanite missiles, Disintegration Pulse lasers and a radar jamming suite. Offers direct fire support.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -35000
Mass icon -1680
Time icon 8400
Energy icon -25
Max healthHealth icon 5900
8 (Air)
Fuel icon13:20
Veterancy Cybran veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 32
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 300
Projectile damage 150
Rate of fire 2 Projectiles/s
Range (min–max) 2 – 25
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 18
Projectile damage 6
Salvo size 3 Projectiles (in 0.2 s)
Reload time 1 seconds
Range 38
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 100
Damage radius 1

Aeon T3 AA Gunship: Restorer Aeon T3 AA Gunship:  Restorer
Aeon T3 AA Gunship: Restorer
Heavily armored gunship. Armed with quad-light laser and Zealot missiles.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -20000
Mass icon -1200
Time icon 4800
Max healthHealth icon 7200
10 (Air)
Fuel icon13:20
Veterancy Aeon veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 32
Direct Fire - Projectile
Damage per second 160
Projectile damage 32
Salvo size 4 Projectiles (in 0.3 s)
Rate of fire 1.3 salvos/s
Range 25
Weapon: Zealot AA Missile x 2
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 65
Projectile damage 65
Reload time 1 seconds
Range 60
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 100
Damage radius 1

T3 heavy gunships are high-end air-to-ground air units designed to provide close-range air support for ground troops or perform base/army strikes on their own. Clusters are vulnerable to Anti-Air Flak Artillery, and generally are less effective at attacking defended bases.

Factional differences[]

UEF Broadsword[]


A swarm of Broadswords attacks a Monkeylord

The UEF T3 Heavy Gunship, the Broadsword, is primarily designed to strike land units. Unlike its T2 counterpart, the Stinger, it lacks a transport hook but has approximately six times the DPS and health. The Broadsword is the best T3 gunship for countering land experimentals, as seven can easily take out a Monkeylord, but one generally should not rely heavily on its trivial anti-air weapon, though it proves surprisingly effective against a CZAR.

Aeon Restorer[]

Aeon T3 Restorer AA Gunship

A Restorer awaiting orders

While the Aeon T3 AA Gunship, the Restorer, does not have an air-to-ground weapon nearly as effective as that of the Broadsword or the Wailer, it boasts two anti-air SAM launchers approximately 5-6 times stronger than that of the Wailer. These powerful SAM launchers, combined with the gunship's low cost, high speed, and strong armor, cause some players to deem the Restorer imbalanced.

Cybran Wailer[]

The Cybran T3 Heavy Gunship, the Wailer, has a high power air-to-ground weapon slightly less potent than that of the Broadsword in that it has the same DPS but induces more overkill. The Wailer does have a significantly better anti-air weapon which, though not recommended, can be used effectively as an emergency anti-air defense. What makes the the Cybran gunship notable is its Radar Jamming which confuses enemy targeting systems (unless within the range of an omni sensor), making it especially effective in raiding firebases and armies in the field. Perhaps negligibly, the aircraft has slightly less health than its counterparts in other factions.
