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Syrtis Major
Supreme Commander official skirmish map
Max Players
Ranked as
Size 10x10 km
     This place is unremarkable in every respect. However, it does sit on a major Gate hub, offering easy access to a good portion of the galaxy. For this reason alone, many Commanders have fought to the death to claim this place.

Syrtis Major is an official map.

Official Description[]

This place is unremarkable in every respect. However, it does sit on a major Gate hub, offering easy access to a good portion of the galaxy. For this reason alone, many Commanders have fought to the death to claim this place.


A good idea is to have lots of spam units at the chokepoints, and an interesting trick is to move engineers at the bottom of the cliff right up to the cliff, then they can build a factory on the cliff from there.

Due to the small size of the map, it is not recommended to capture the central T3 gate, as doing so requires investing large amounts of resources in protecting the gate (and even more to put it to use), during this time the opponent can build an army to steamroll you.


  • Syrtis Major is one of only two maps in the game with civilian factory units, the other being the Forged Alliance incarnation of The Great Void.