Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 3 naval units
Missile SubmarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
OtherXES0307 build btnNo-unitXAS0306 build btnXSS0304 build btn
Attack SubmarineUES0203 build btnURS0203 build btnUAS0203 build btnXSS0203 build btn
T2/T3 Submarine HunterXES0102 build btnXRS0204 build btnXAS0204 build btnXSS0304 build btn
DestroyerNo-unitNo-unitNo-unitXSS0201 build btn
Strategic Missile SubmarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
Experimental SubmarineUES0401 build btnNo-unitUAS0401 build btnNo-unit
Seraphim T3 Submarine Hunter: Yathsou Seraphim T3 Submarine Hunter:  Yathsou
Seraphim T3 Submarine Hunter: Yathsou
Dedicated sub-killer. Armed with three torpedo tubes, pair of torpedo defense systems and AA auto-cannon for use when surfaced.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -24000
Mass icon -3000
Time icon 12000
Max healthHealth icon 4500
Speed6 (SurfacingSub)
Veterancy Seraphim veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 32
Water vision: 45
Sonar: 90
Anti Navy - Torpedo
Damage per second 335
Torpedo damage 335
Salvo size 4 Torpedos (in 2.7 s)
Reload time 4 seconds
Range 70
Defense - Anti Torpedo
Damage per second 0
Anti Torpedo damage 2
Reload time 6.7 seconds
Range 32
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 240
Projectile damage 60
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Rate of fire 2 salvos/s
Range 65

The Seraphim T3 Submarine Hunter, nicknamed the Yathsou, is a Seraphim unit. It is a submarine unit. It is a dedicated sub-killer. Armed with three torpedo tubes, a pair of torpedo defense systems and an AA auto-cannon for use when surfaced.

The Yathsou is arguably the most powerful ship-to-ship combat unit in the game, being affordable enough to mass-produce in sufficient numbers to overwhelm more powerful vessels like the experimental Atlantis, Tempest or Megalith and powerful enough to dominate cheaper T2 submarine hunters such as the Vesper or is even a perfect counter for experimentals trying to cross water. All in all, the Yathsou is probably the reason the Seraphim lack an experimental naval unit.

Being submersible gives it all the advantages over the UEF Neptune Class, which has most of its power concentrated in its surface-only Plasma Cannons, but when the Yathsou surfaces its Losaare AA Autocannon is devastating against air units, including Torpedo Bombers. Enough Yathsous can effectively guarantee naval superiority. Its only weaknesses are its inability to bombard units on land or hovering above the water surface, and its long build time (despite its low cost). Yathsous are perfect escorts to the Fatboy or Monkeylord crossing water. Also, a counter intel boat will prevent these from revealing the Monkey's position.

Yathsou excels in large naval maps, where being submersible means that it is able to evade powerful surface fire and most of air attacks (except torpedo/depth charge attack). However, being unable to bombard coastal target means that land-based artillery units can hit it while surfacing to engage air units, or by force-fire to adjacent terrain. Always escort Yathsou with other units when passing through enemy coastal areas, preferably with Uashavoh as it can also submerge underwater (the ratio depends on situation, but 2 Uashavoh for each Yathsou are common).


The "Yathsou"
