Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 3 naval units
Missile SubmarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
OtherXES0307 build btnNo-unitXAS0306 build btnXSS0304 build btn
Tactical missile defenses
Tech 2 Tactical Missile DefenseUEB4201 build btnURB4201 build btnUAB4201 build btnXSB4201 build btn
Tech 2 CruiserUES0202 build btnURS0202 build btnUAS0202 build btnXSS0202 build btn
Tech 3 BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Tech 3 Navy (Other)XES0307 build btnURS0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Siege Assault BotNo-unitURL0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Seraphim T3 Battleship: Hauthuum Seraphim T3 Battleship:  Hauthuum
Seraphim T3 Battleship: Hauthuum
High-end naval vessel. Armed with three heavy Quarnon cannons, two AA cannons, two tactical missile defenses and a strategic missile launcher.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -75000
Mass icon -11250
Time icon 45000
Build rate
Time icon1080/s
Max healthHealth icon 49000
Speed3 (Water)
Veterancy Seraphim veteran icon Kills icon 32  (Health icon+5/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 50
Water vision: 50
Radar: 50
Sonar: 20
Direct Fire Naval - Projectile
Damage per second 150
Projectile damage 600
Damage radius 2
Reload time 4 seconds
Range 128
Defense - Anti Missile
Damage per second 1
Anti Missile damage 1
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 50
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 14
Projectile damage 8
Damage radius 2
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Reload time 1.1 seconds
Range 40
Missile - Strategic Missile
Range (min–max) 128 – 1024
Strategic Missile cost Energy icon -1920000 (-4000/s)
Mass icon -19200 (-40/s)
Time icon 518400 (8:00s)
Inner damage 25000
Inner radius 30
Outer damage 500
Outer radius 40

The Seraphim T3 Battleship, nicknamed the Hauthuum, is a Seraphim naval unit. The Hauthuum is unique in that it is equipped with a strategic missile launcher, so it fills the roles of both water based strategic missile platform and naval superiority vessel. However, it does take an additional minute to build compared to the other faction strategic missile submarines. During construction, there is a 2000 energy per second less of a drain for the Hauthuum, but the same mass drain per second (resulting in more total mass required).

The Hauthuum can hold 5 strategic missiles while regular strategic missile submarines can only carry 3, though if it is to be used as a strategic missile launcher, it doesn't have the advantage of submersibility and is a high-profile unit compared to strategic missile submarines. A powerful unit, it can annihilate a T1 fleet, cause serious casualties to a T2 fleet, a base near the water, or severely damage a T3 task force. It has poor AA and no defense against submarines.

It should also be noted that the strategic missiles carried by the Hauthuum do not give off a missile warning, and their flight trajectory is so high that the target may launch up to 3 anti-missiles to shoot it down, even though it only takes one.

Overall, the Hauthuum is superior to and more flexible than the Aeon T3 Battleship since it has more range and hp, a strategic missile launcher, AA capabilities, and 1 more tactical missile defense, so in the long run, the Hauthuum will bombard the Omen class and hold it's own in against any enemies. However, the Hauthuum deals less damage per turret than the Omen, making this less possible.

If in a mostly water-covered map, it is advised to attack an enemy that has a strategic missile defense with the Hauthuum. If you can build multiple battleships, do so; they are effective at making the enemy waste his or her anti-nukes to clear the way for a real T3 nuke or an experimental T4 nuke.


  • The Hauthuum is the only naval unit (besides the Ithalua) to use FLAK
  • The Hauthuum is the only mobile, non-submersible strategic missile launcher.


The Hauthuum.
