Supreme Commander Wiki
Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 3 Air Units
Spy PlaneUEA0302 build btnURA0302 build btnUAA0302 build btnXSA0302 build btn
Air-Superiority FighterUEA0303 build btnURA0303 build btnUAA0303 build btnXSA0303 build btn
Strategic BomberUEA0304 build btnURA0304 build btnUAA0304 build btnXSA0304 build btn
GunshipUEA0305 build btnXRA0305 build btnXAA0305 build btnNo-unit
OtherXEA0306 build btnNo-unitXAA0306 build btnNo-unit
Tech 1 AttackUEA0103 build btnURA0103 build btnUAA0103 build btnXSA0103 build btn
Tech 2 Fighter/BomberDEA0202 build btnDRA0202 build btnNo-unitXSA0202 build btn
Tech 2 TorpedoUEA0204 build btnURA0204 build btnUAA0204 build btnXSA0204 build btn
Tech 3 StrategicUEA0304 build btnURA0304 build btnUAA0304 build btnXSA0304 build btn
OtherNo-unitNo-unitXAA0306 build btnXSA0402 build btn
Stealth units
Tech 1 Land ScoutNo-unitNo-unitNo-unitXSL0101 build btn
Tech 2 Mobile Stealth Field SystemNo-unitURL0306 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Submarine KillerNo-unitXRS0204 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Counter-Intelligence BoatNo-unitXRS0205 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Stealth Field GeneratorUEB4203 build btnURB4203 build btnUAB4203 build btnXSB4203 build btn
Tech 3 Spy PlaneNo-unitURA0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Air Superiority FighterNo-unitURA0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Strategic BomberNo-unitURA0304 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Sonar PlatformNo-unitURS0305 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
ExperimentalNo-unitURL0402 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Cybran T3 Strategic Bomber: Revenant Cybran T3 Strategic Bomber:  Revenant
Cybran T3 Strategic Bomber: Revenant
High-end strategic bomber. Armed with a Proton bomb, stealth field generator and AA flak cannon.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -70000
Mass icon -2100
Time icon 8400
Energy icon -60
Max healthHealth icon 3700
18 (Air)
Fuel icon16:40
Veterancy Cybran veteran icon Kills icon 12  (Health icon+3/s)
Intel (radius)Stealth: Self
Vision: 32
Radar: 65
Weapon: Neutron Bomb
Bomb - Bomb
Damage per second 550
Bomb damage 2750
Damage radius 7
Reload time 5 seconds
Range 90
Weapon: Electron Autocannon x 2
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 15
Projectile damage 5
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Rate of fire 1.5 salvos/s
Range 44
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 500
Damage radius 1

The Cybran T3 Strategic Bomber, nicknamed the Revenant, is a Cybran unit. It is also a stealth unit.

The Revenant's proton bomb does considerable initial damage that radiates outward. Additionally, the Revenant features a rear-mounted Flak Cannon and an onboard stealth field.
Revenant Vanilla SupCom description

It drops a single, extremely devastating warhead upon each attack run. It also possesses stealth, hiding it from all radar except Omni.

Factional Differences[]

Like all T3 Cybran air units (with the exception of the Wailer), it can turn on its stealth ability to hide from enemy radar, making it much more useful against AA-heavy enemy installations, which usually rely on radar targeting.

The Revenant is the most capable of the three faction strategic bombers in taking out large groups of enemy units, making it a very capable tool for dealing with a massed offensive force incoming to the Cybran Commander, with both its stealth ability and damage radius.

The Revenant also features limited AA capabilities, but can at best deal with lone interceptors or small groups of interceptors. Escorting Revenants with T3 air-superiority fighters is highly advised when performing bombing runs.

Players sometimes employ a strategy of bombing T2 mass extractors with their strategic bombers. However, the Revenant is incapable of doing so in a single shot, so it might be a good idea to escort it with lesser bombers if you wish to attack lone mass extractors, as these bombers will help to finish the job and leave your Revenant less vulnerable by not forcing it to take a second pass at its target and to prevent overkill. However, it has stealth, so two bombers paired together can kill lone mass extractors, and by the time the opponent realizes their mass extractor is destroyed, the bombers are somewhere else, and can strike other targets.
