Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 3 naval units
Missile SubmarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
OtherXES0307 build btnNo-unitXAS0306 build btnXSS0304 build btn
Mobile anti-air units
Tech 1 Mobile Anti-Air GunUEL0104 build btnURL0104 build btnUAL0104 build btnXSL0104 build btn
Tech 2 Mobile AA Flak ArtilleryUEL0205 build btnURL0205 build btnUAL0205 build btnXSL0205 build btn
Tech 2 CruiserUES0202 build btnURS0202 build btnUAS0202 build btnXSS0202 build btn
Aircraft CarrierUES0401 build btnURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
Tactical missile defenses
Tech 2 Tactical Missile DefenseUEB4201 build btnURB4201 build btnUAB4201 build btnXSB4201 build btn
Tech 2 CruiserUES0202 build btnURS0202 build btnUAS0202 build btnXSS0202 build btn
Tech 3 BattleshipUES0302 build btnURS0302 build btnUAS0302 build btnXSS0302 build btn
Tech 3 Navy (Other)XES0307 build btnURS0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Siege Assault BotNo-unitURL0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Aircraft carriers
Tech 3 Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
Experimental Aircraft CarrierUES0401 build btnNo-unitUAA0310 build btnNo-unit
Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier: Command Class Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier:  Command Class
Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier: Command Class
Aircraft carrier. Can store, transport and repair aircraft. Armed with light AA auto-cannons and an anti-missile turret.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -36000
Mass icon -3600
Time icon 14400
Build rate
Time icon150/s
Max healthHealth icon 20000
Speed3 (Water)
Veterancy Cybran veteran icon Kills icon 32  (Health icon+5/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 85
Water vision: 36
Radar: 200
Sonar: 40
Weapon: Electron Autocannon x 4
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 80
Projectile damage 10
Salvo size 4 Projectiles
Rate of fire 2 salvos/s
Range 75
Defense - Beam
Damage per second 0.5
Beam damage 1
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 50

The Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier, named the Command Class, is a carrier and therefore also an air support unit and a factory. It is a large ship capable of sustaining great damage before sinking. It is capable of storing up to 50 aircraft.

The Command Class is equipped with four Electron Autocannons used for air defense, and a Zapper for tactical missile defense. Against naval units, the Command Class must be escorted as it has no anti-surface nor torpedo weapons to defend itself — the task group of carriers may make its way to the bottom of the ocean if left undefended from submarines and surface vessels. Because it lacks area-effect damage, multiple carriers or flak defence turrets will be needed to effectively fight against large groups of air units. While this vessel is only as effective as a cruiser in relative anti-air damage, the carrier is a lot more durable, and can endure over six times the damage compared to a Siren Class.

This vessel is also capable of constructing certain Cybran air units, mostly fighters. Among the excluded units, it cannot build regular bombers (T1 and T3), air transports and T3 gunships.[1][2] With the exception of the experimental air units (the Soul Ripper, CZAR, and Ahwassa), the carriers can house any aircraft even if it cannot be built there.

From an economic perspective, it has a two and a half times higher build rate,[1] is cheaper to build than a T3 air factory, and can additionally repair air units. As usual, there is a proportionally larger rate of energy and mass consumption with the increase in build power. For building air superiority fighters, the carrier can serve as a replacement when a commander has a very high surplus of mass and energy, although the units cannot be given a rally point nor any orders until launched.

This carrier differs from the other carriers, as it launches its planes from the front instead of the sides as the Aeon Keefer, the Seraphim Iavish and the UEF Atlantis. So, if you face your carriers to the target your planes will fly without turning and at greater speeds. This enables air strikes to be made faster and efficient, which benefit the Cybran ideology of speed and ruthless, lethal efficiency.

  1. 1.0 1.1 The factory capabilities are different in the Forged Alliance Campaign. It is possible to build Bombers on the carrier, and the build rate is the same as a standard factory.
  2. Initially it was unable to build any gunships, but the ability to build T1 and T2 Gunships on carriers was added with patch 1.5.3603. Other patches removed the ability to store the Soul Ripper as well as Mercy missiles.

Cybran Command Class

Command class insitu

A Cybran Carrier with a Trident frigate escorting it as it deploys a Flying Eyes scout.
