Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 2 Land Units
Heavy BotDEL0204 build btnDRL0204 build btnNo-unitXSL0202 build btn
Heavy TankUEL0202 build btnURL0202 build btnUAL0202 build btnNo-unit
Amphibious TankUEL0203 build btnURL0203 build btnXAL0203 build btnXSL0203 build btn
Mobile AA Flak ArtilleryUEL0205 build btnURL0205 build btnUAL0205 build btnXSL0205 build btn
Mobile Missile LauncherUEL0111 build btnURL0111 build btnUAL0111 build btnXSL0111 build btn
Mobile DefenseUEL0307 build btnURL0306 build btnUAL0307 build btnNo-unit
OtherXEL0209 build btnXRL0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tactical missile launchers
Tech 2 tactical missile launcherUEB2108 build btnURB2108 build btnUAB2108 build btnXSB2108 build btn
Tech 2 mobile missile launcherUEL0111 build btnURL0111 build btnUAL0111 build btnXSL0111 build btn
Tech 2 cruiserUES0202 build btnNo-unitNo-unitXSS0202 build btn
Tech 3 strategic missile submarineUES0304 build btnURS0304 build btnUAS0304 build btnNo-unit
Other tech 3 mobile missile launcherXEL0306 build btnNo-unitXAS0306 build btnXSS0303 build btn
Cybran T2 Mobile Missile Launcher: Viper Cybran T2 Mobile Missile Launcher:  Viper
Cybran T2 Mobile Missile Launcher: Viper
Mobile missile launcher. Designed to attack at long range.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -1500
Mass icon -200
Time icon 1000
Max healthHealth icon 700
Speed2.9 (Land)
Veterancy Cybran veteran icon Kills icon 3  (Health icon+2/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 18
Missile - Tactical Missile
Damage per second 36
Missile damage 120
Damage radius 0.5
Reload time 3.3 seconds
Range (min–max) 4 – 60

The Cybran T2 Mobile Missile Launcher, nicknamed the Viper, is a Cybran unit. This is a tactical missile launcher.

The Viper is the most capable MML in Supreme Commander and a vital asset to the Cybran army. The Viper has the highest ROF, effective DPS (the UEF Flapjack has higher DPS but is more prone to overkill), HP, and top speed of all the MMLs. Additionally, because of its high rate of fire, it overcomes one of the MML's common problems: Overkill. Additionally, the missile the Viper fires splits after a single hit (unlike the missile of the TML-4 and Plan B, which split after two strikes by TMDs) when attacked by TMDs allowing it to hit consistently even when these anti-missile units are present, though the three sub-munitions each only do 10 damage for a total of 30 instead of 120. (Aeon and Loyalist TMDs divert the missile, rather than destroy it, neutralizing the split-missile ability.)

Vanilla Supcom Description[]

"The Viper is the upgrade to the Medusa, substituting EMP Grenades, for a Loa Missile System. In addition, the Viper has superior armor and handling characteristics."

