Supreme Commander Wiki
Tech 1 Land Units
Land ScoutUEL0101 build btnURL0101 build btnUAL0101 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Light Assault BotUEL0106 build btnURL0106 build btnUAL0106 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Light/Medium Tank UEL0201 build btnURL0107 build btnUAL0201 build btnXSL0201 build btn
Mobile Anti-Air GunUEL0104 build btnURL0104 build btnUAL0104 build btnXSL0104 build btn
Mobile Light ArtilleryUEL0103 build btnURL0103 build btnUAL0103 build btnXSL0103 build btn
EngineerUEL0105 build btnURL0105 build btnUAL0105 build btnXSL0105 build btn
Mobile Intelligence Units
Tech 1 Land ScoutUEL0101 build btnURL0101 build btnUAL0101 build btnXSL0101 build btn
Tech 1 Air ScoutUEA0101 build btnURA0101 build btnUAA0101 build btnXSA0101 build btn
Tech 3 Spy PlaneUEA0302 build btnURA0302 build btnUAA0302 build btnXSA0302 build btn
Tech 1 Scout BotNo-unitURL0101 build btnNo-unitXSL0101 build btn
Tech 1 Light Assault BotUEL0106 build btnURL0106 build btnUAL0106 build btnNo-unit
Tech 1 Assault BotNo-unitURL0107 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 BotDEL0204 build btnDRL0204 build btnNo-unitXSL0202 build btn
Tech 2 Mobile BombNo-unitXRL0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Heavy / Siege Assault BotUEL0303 build btnURL0303 build btnUAL0303 build btnNo-unit
Tech 3 Armored Assault BotXEL0305 build btnXRL0305 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Sniper BotNo-unitNo-unitXAL0305 build btnXSL0305 build btn
ExperimentalNo-unitURL0402 build btnUAL0401 build btnXSL0401 build btn
ExperimentalNo-unitXRL0403 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Stealth units
Tech 1 Land ScoutNo-unitNo-unitNo-unitXSL0101 build btn
Tech 2 Mobile Stealth Field SystemNo-unitURL0306 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Submarine KillerNo-unitXRS0204 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Counter-Intelligence BoatNo-unitXRS0205 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 2 Stealth Field GeneratorUEB4203 build btnURB4203 build btnUAB4203 build btnXSB4203 build btn
Tech 3 Spy PlaneNo-unitURA0302 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Air Superiority FighterNo-unitURA0303 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Strategic BomberNo-unitURA0304 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Tech 3 Sonar PlatformNo-unitURS0305 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
ExperimentalNo-unitURL0402 build btnNo-unitNo-unit
Cybran T1 Land Scout: Mole Cybran T1 Land Scout:  Mole
Cybran T1 Land Scout: Mole
Fast, lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle. Equipped with a cloaking field.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -80
Mass icon -8
Time icon 80
Energy icon -10
Max healthHealth icon 15
Speed4.8 (Land)
Intel (radius)Stealth: Self (cloak only)
Vision: 24
Radar: 45

The Cybran T1 Land Scout, nicknamed the Mole , is a Cybran unit. This is an intelligence unit.

The Mole is the Cybran Nation's land scout. This unit is unarmed and has extremely low hp. It possesses the ability to cloak, and thus is capable of hiding from enemy combat units in the absence of enemy radar. As a result of these attributes, the mole bears an extreme vulnerability to enemy scout units or bombers. One could theoretically set up a network of cloaked moles to monitor an enemy who neglects to build radar, or more realistically,  sacrifice cloaked Moles to find enemy radar coverage.  Throughout the game moles can be useful to forewarn of enemy attacks.

Physical Description[]

The Mole is a typical Cybran unit: six spidery legs and angular, pointed components. Its strangest feature is the rounded-off triangular piece set on the back which constantly rotates.

Vanilla Supcom Description[]

"The Mole forgoes weapons to make room for a cloaking field which makes the Mole invisible to line-of-sight, though it is still visible to radar and an Omni sensor will reveal it to optical sensors."

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Cybran Mole
