Supreme Commander Wiki
Aircraft carriers
Tech 3 Aircraft CarrierNo-unitURS0303 build btnUAS0303 build btnXSS0303 build btn
Experimental Aircraft CarrierUES0401 build btnNo-unitUAA0310 build btnNo-unit

Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier: Command Class Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier:  Command Class
Cybran T3 Aircraft Carrier: Command Class
Aircraft carrier. Can store, transport and repair aircraft. Armed with light AA auto-cannons and an anti-missile turret.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -36000
Mass icon -3600
Time icon 14400
Build rate
Time icon150/s
Max healthHealth icon 20000
Speed3 (Water)
Veterancy Cybran veteran icon Kills icon 32  (Health icon+5/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 85
Water vision: 36
Radar: 200
Sonar: 40
Weapon: Electron Autocannon x 4
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 80
Projectile damage 10
Salvo size 4 Projectiles
Rate of fire 2 salvos/s
Range 75
Defense - Beam
Damage per second 0.5
Beam damage 1
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 50

Aeon T3 Aircraft Carrier: Keefer Class Aeon T3 Aircraft Carrier:  Keefer Class
Aeon T3 Aircraft Carrier: Keefer Class
Aircraft carrier. Can store, transport and repair aircraft. Armed with surface-to-air missile launchers.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -40000
Mass icon -4000
Time icon 16000
Build rate
Time icon150/s
Max healthHealth icon 22000
Speed3 (Water)
Veterancy Aeon veteran icon Kills icon 32  (Health icon+5/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 85
Water vision: 36
Radar: 200
Sonar: 40
Weapon: Zealot AA Missile x 2
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 120
Projectile damage 120
Reload time 1 seconds
Range 75

Aeon Experimental Aircraft Carrier: CZAR Aeon Experimental Aircraft Carrier:  CZAR
Aeon Experimental Aircraft Carrier: CZAR
Flying fortress. Armed with Quantum beam generator, AA systems and depth charges. Can store, transport and repair aircraft.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -731250
Mass icon -45000
Time icon 33750
Build rate
Time icon180/s
Max healthHealth icon 48000 (Health icon+15/s)
Speed8 (Air)
Veterancy Aeon veteran icon Kills icon 40  (Health icon+10/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 70
Radar: 200
Sonar: 150
Direct Fire Experimental - Continuous Beam
Damage per second 3333
Damage radius 4
Range 30
Weapon: Zealot AA Missile x 4
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 240
Projectile damage 300
Reload time 1.3 seconds
Range 64
Anti Navy - Projectile
Damage per second 38
Projectile damage 150
Damage radius 1.5
Reload time 4 seconds
Range 50
Weapon: Fizz Launcher x 2
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 960
Projectile damage 240
Damage radius 3
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Rate of fire 2 salvos/s
Range 44
Weapon: Air Crash
Damage 15000
Damage radius 15

Seraphim T3 Aircraft Carrier: Iavish Seraphim T3 Aircraft Carrier:  Iavish
Seraphim T3 Aircraft Carrier: Iavish
Can store, transport and repair aircraft. Armed with two pairs of AA auto-cannons.[ e ]
Build costsEnergy icon -44000
Mass icon -4400
Time icon 17600
Build rate
Time icon150/s
Max healthHealth icon 24000
Speed3 (Water)
Veterancy Seraphim veteran icon Kills icon 32  (Health icon+5/s)
Intel (radius) Vision: 85
Water vision: 36
Radar: 200
Sonar: 40
Missile - Tactical Missile
Damage per second 250
Missile damage 500
Damage radius 3
Reload time 2 seconds
Range 150
Anti Air - Projectile
Damage per second 100
Projectile damage 25
Salvo size 2 Projectiles
Rate of fire 2 salvos/s
Range 75

An aircraft carrier is a name given to a vessel which is capable of storing aircraft and deploying them as part of a strategy.

There are three tech 3 and two experimental aircraft carriers in the game. They are often used as strike platforms, deploying squadrons of air units to attack enemy positions while also serving as venenerable anti-aircraft platforms.

Factional differences[]

Cybran Command Class[]

The Command Class may be slightly underpowered, when compared to the other carriers in terms of firepower, but compensates for tactical missile defense, a nearly flawless Zapper.

It is still however a decent carrier for much of its craft emerges from the bow and enter the aft not to mention posing as a slimmer target.

Aeon Keefer Class[]

The Keefer Class is a fairly decent ship, but its larger silhouette may prevent it from reaching desirable areas, and posing as a bigger target for torpedoes.

While it lacks in naval defense, makes up with having the best AA defense compared to the other carriers, with tracking SAM weaponry. This ship is often used to combat Soul Rippers, over the sea, mainly for its high damage output and the added ability to deploy ASF to aid in its defense.

Aeon CZAR[]

The CZAR is a unique flying Experimental which makes it the only aerial unit classed as an aircraft carrier. A tough flying fortress, this flying saucer is a solid choice for being able to strike from the air as well as having a plentiful choice to build its own air force.

Its armament includes guided missile batteries, depth charges and a powerful Quantum Beam to smite its prey on the surface.

Seraphim Iavish[]

The Iavish is most likely the most versatile ship out of all the T3 carriers, because it is capable of launching its own guided missiles towards stationary targets, in rapid succession. The Iavish also possess excellent sonar and radar capabilities and decent enough AA to defend itself.

While it can summon aircraft to aid it in times of desperation, it wont bode well in a serious naval offensive but better suited for defenses purposes as its size makes it more vulnerable to counterattack.

UEF Atlantis[]

This UEF carrier is very different from the other three (though not as much as the CZAR) as it is an experimental unit.

It is armed with four Flayer SAM Missile turrets and several very high-quality torpedoes, the Atlantis makes for a formidable self sustaining strike force for it can defend itself against both air and naval threats very well. Being also having the ability to dive to avoid dangerous situations (be sure to dock any assigned aircraft inside before doing so).

With 40,000 HP, quadruple the build speed and consumption compared to a T3 factory, the Atlantis is capable of building, and maintaining, a fleet of 150 aircraft.


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The following content was imported from "Carrier" and needs to be merged with the existing sections above. You can help this wiki by editing this page and consolidating its sections.

A Carrier is a naval unit that can construct and maintain aircraft. Their main purpose is to assail land installations, using the range given from the craft they deploy.


T3 Cybran Carrier

In Supreme Commander, Carriers serve as an offensive means in comparison to Air Factories. The capability to launch aircraft is more advantageous on maps where range becomes an issue. When idle, Carriers serve as Air Staging Platforms and any aircraft, damaged or low on fuel, may enter before continuing their mission.

It is vital to protect your carriers from other naval units, especially submarines as they lack surface weaponry. Enemy air have more difficulty fighting them as the AA weaponry is just as potent as a Cruiser's but they would still need protection if the enemy decides to get reckless.

The UEF's Atlantis may negate this issue with enemy naval units by diving underwater and using its powerful torpedoes.


  • Ordering a carrier to assist-move with damaged friendly units nearby will cause it to load and repair the units. This can be done to any kind of unit, including experimentals, land units, other carriers carrying carriers, and buildings. Attempting to unload a building from the carrier will crash the game.